A report said that greater support was needed to help young fathers. Too often young fathers were repeating the mistake of their own fathers, and failing to support their children and their children's mothers.
Source: David Lammy MP, Young Dads: Overlooked, undercounted, but out there, 4Children
Date: 2013-Sep
A report by a committee of MSPs said that the Scottish Government should develop a new national strategy for tackling teenage pregnancy. Sexual health and relationships education should be reviewed: the quality of sexual health education was inconsistent across the country, and it needed to begin at an earlier age. Contraception should be easily accessible and 'young people friendly .
Source: Report on Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy, 5th Report 2013, SP Paper 355, Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee
Links: Report | Scottish Parliament press release | BBC report
Date: 2013-Jun